What to Know about Prostate Cancer Surgery

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Prostate cancer is one of the most deadly diseases in men over the age of fifty, and because it is very slow to develop, it can be hard to catch. The best way to really prevent prostate cancer is to undergo regular treatments and to get regular prostate checks from a physician. Although prostate cancer develops in men over fifty, it often takes about a decade to really begin to show. There are ways to treat prostate cancer, the most common and first method being prostate cancer surgery. Prostate cancer surgery is generally ableto at least temporarily, if not permanently, get rid of the cancer. An enlarged prostate is one of the most common signs that surgery is needed.

Types of Prostate Cancer Surgery

There are several different types of prostate cancer surgery, all of which involve removal of the prostate. For this to work, the cancer cannot have metastasized beyond the prostate gland. Radical retropubic prostatectomy is the most common method of prostate cancer surgery. The prostate gland is removed via an incision in the abdomen. All types of prostate cancer treatment are used in the early stages, or when there isn’t any response to radiation treatment.

There are several other types of prostate cancer surgery, such as perineal prostatectomy, which is much like abdominal prostatectomy except the incision is in the perineum rather than the abdomen. There are several factors that determine the effectiveness of prostate cancer surgery, such as how far the cancer has spread. If it’s gone too far it can cause damage to the surrounding nerves and tissues to try to remove the prostate. Complications can arise from surgery, however, such as impotence or incontinence. The prostate gland is responsible for ejaculation and some sexual arousal, and it’s also responsible for urine control and other excretory control.

Prostate cancer surgery is also done sometimes when the urethra is blocked by the prostate being enlarged. It involves the blocking section of the prostate is cut away and the rest of the prostate is left to heal. This, however, isn’t meant as a definitive treatment for prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer surgery is effective for the most part, just in case radiation treatment doesn’t work. The best way to determine whether prostate surgery is needed is to have regular prostate exams and speak to a physician about the options of prostate cancer treatment if these are needed despite all efforts of preventing it.
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