Types of Prostate Cancer Treatment

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Prostate cancer is the second leasing cancerous cause of death in men over fifty in the United States, second only to lung cancer. Because regular prostate exams and checkups sometimes fail to spot the existence of a cancerous growth in the prostate, it’s necessary to have plenty of options available for prostate cancer treatment and screening. Depending on the stage of growth of the cancer, a different treatment option can be used to destroy the growth before it becomes too advanced and takes over other parts of the body like the lymph nodes and bones.

Prostate cancer treatment can be done mainly by radiation treatment or surgery. Also, prostate cancer treatment is done by prevention – regular checkups coupled with a healthy, low-stress lifestyle can cause help to prevent prostate cancer. Radiation treatment for any type of cancer is more commonly known as chemotherapy, and this type of prostate cancer treatment involves exposing the cancerous tissue to a lethal dose of radiation, usually via X-ray or other similar methods. This prostate cancer treatment has its own complications, such as loss of hair and other things associated with exposure to radiation.

If the cancer becomes too advanced, chemotherapy as prostate cancer treatment is no longer an option because the cancer has metastasized too far into the body, and other organs would be damaged by the radiation. Instead, the patient can be put under surgery so the infected parts can simply be removed. Removal of the prostate will cause a man to no longer be able to ejaculate after sex, because the prostate gland is what creates semen. Sometimes, the prostate cancer treatment isn’t effective, especially if it’s gone beyond the prostate gland into the bones or lymph nodes.

Eliminating the Need for Prostate Cancer Treatment

Even though the two listed prostate cancer treatment options are effective if done properly, it’s best to keep a watch on the prostate to check for uncontrolled growth or infection. These are telltale signs of cancer, and they preclude the need for more advanced prostate cancer treatment steps.

Prostate cancer can be stopped by going to get regular checkups from a physician, because the disease grows slowly, there’s plenty of time to actually get treated. However, it’s best to do so as soon as possible, rather than wait. The longer treatment is delayed, the more the cancer grows and the more dangerous it is to remove. Once a year, men should get their prostate examined.
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